Debate Wins at Brook Tournament

November 15, 2017
This past weekend the Speech and Debate Team attended the Clear Brook Tournament, and came back with plenty of trophies and state points.
In particular, the president, Maria Aykara (12) competed in Foreign Extemp and Student Congress, placing fourth and first overall.
“I would have to say it was a little unexpected, I was definitely surprised, but after three years of hard work, it is worth it,” Aykara said. She looks forward to doing well in both of her events at other tournaments, hoping to gather enough points to compete in the statewide competition, she said.
Student Congress:
Maria Aykara- 1st place
Nick Champagne- 6th place
Foreign Extemp:
Maria Aykara- 4th place
Ally Boehning- 6th place
Domestic Extempt:
Nick Champagne- Semis
Novice Extempt:
Starr Liwag- Semis
Public Forum:
Ally Boehning and Erin Pritchard- Quarters
Emilio Cabral and Kristin Foy- Octos
Lincoln Douglas:
Sharil Maredia- Quarters
Sydney Rose- 5th
Humorous Interpretation:
Miles McLendon- 5th
Caleb Hermsdorfer- Semis