Marketing Teacher Enjoys New Role
Mrs. Hermes assists Craig Smith (12) and Ethan Jordan (11) in her Dollars and Sense class.
November 30, 2017
Springs may seem like a whirlwind to newcomers, but to new Marketing teacher Mrs. Melody Hermes, Springs has become her home away from home.
Hermes began teaching Dollars and Sense, Sports and Entertainment Marketing, and Social Media/ Fashion Marketing, the beginning of this school year. Since starting here, she has delved into dress up days and pep rallies, embodying the school spirit that every Charger possesses.
“I want my classroom to be a safe place for my students,” Hermes said. “I want it to be a place where kids can step back from the stress and enjoy learning.”
Mrs. Hermes brings light to a topic many students do not necessarily be understand fully–marketing. Many people view marketing as confusing, some not knowing anything besides the fact that its relevant to the business world. Hermes, however, brings clarification.
“My professor in marketing once said ‘Marketing is harder than rocket science. Rocket science is a set of memorized information; after all, it’s science.’ But marketing is always changing, and to be in marketing you must be willing to quickly adapt to the changing world around you,” Hermes said.
Marketing is a diverse subject, with classes focused on social media, sports marketing, and advertising. Marketing is more than selling a product. It’s all about devising new ways to sell products to the masses.
“I love diversity, how people can come from different backgrounds and bring differing ideas and personalities to the world,” Hermes said. “Our differences in opinion should be celebrated and respected, we were all made to serve different purposes, so why all be the same?”
Growing up in a small town just outside of Dallas, Hermes stepped out into a new world when she graduated from high school and attended East Texas Baptist University. “College really gave me a new outlook on the world around me,” Hermes said. “It showed me how diverse people can be, and growing up in a small town, I didn’t see much diversity.”
Hermes enjoys a wide variety of activities outside of school, camping being among her favorites.
Growing up on a large plot of land created a soft spot for nature in Hermes’ heart, who camps every chance she gets. Houston is an urban city, with houses stacked upon houses and clusters of new shopping centers built.
“I really appreciate nature, or non-man-made structures,” Hermes said. “Every time we leave a campsite I say ‘I don’t want to return to the concrete jungle.’ It’s good to escape from the city sometimes.”
Though Hermes doesn’t enjoy the city as much as the country, she loves the shopping it offers, which perhaps segues into her marketing teaching career. “I also enjoy shopping, a lot,” Hermes said. “Shoes–shoes are definitely my addiction.”
Hermes has two daughters, both of which mean the world to her. “My faith, family and friends are most important to me,” she said, “especially my two daughters, who both love camping as much as I do.”
Though originally from Dallas, Hermes was a big fan of the Astro’s during the 2017 World Series. “I was supposed to be a Ranger’s fan, as I came from Ranger territory,” Hermes said, “but since I’ve moved here, and they’ve won the World Series, I guess I’m an Astro’s fan now!”