Young Life Gives Community a Place to Connect

Cindy Colato, Staff Reporter

Young Life is a non-denominational community organization for high school students whose purpose is to connect young people to their spirituality.

“Young Life is time we have set aside to get together to play games, sing songs, and have a lot of fun. It is a great way to meet people from other schools and to make more friends,” Sarah-Grace Stewart (12) said.

Young Life includes three different schools from CCISD: Clear Creek, Clear Falls, and Clear Springs.

“When you first get there, you might not know anybody, or you might know a few people. Just let loose and get into the music and the games. Be your best and happiest self,” Stewart said.

When Stewart and Garin Gartman (12) started attending Young Life as freshmen, there were different leaders, and it was set in a different location. They went to camp over the summer, created new friendships and found people to rely on. 

“I can always rely on my Young Life leader Madi, I have known her for the past two years. I’ve grown closer with her and been able to talk to her about anything, and we have done so many great things together,” Stewart said.

“The Young Life environment is crazy, funny, intimate, sad and joyful. It’s all of these great emotions combined in one big club,” Stewart said.

For those wanting to join, it’s Monday nights at a rec center at 218 Clear Creek Avenue, at 8:00 PM.