Homecoming Preparation
Students in Floral Design working on mums.
October 9, 2018
When October comes around at Clear Springs, there is one thing on everyone’s mind: homecoming. There’s the game, the carnival, the pep rally, the dress-up days and the mums. Mums. In every classroom on Friday, October 12th, there will be a girl wearing a large flower with ribbons attached. This homecoming tradition, however, is something that takes planning.
For some, they choose to go for a simple route.
“I’m doing my first mum this year, and I think I’m going to do one flower that’ll hang down to my ankles,” Julia Benning (9) said.
Continuing the minimalist trend, Devin Wiggins (11) hopes to redeem herself from last year.
“I didn’t do one last year, but I’m glad I am doing one for this year and my senior year,” Wiggins (11) said. “I am just doing a simple mum this year.”
Others hope to highlight their extracurriculars.
“I’m going to do Springs’ colors. Then, I’m going to put a gulf club on it because I play golf,” Alexis Webb (10) said.
Some people are making their mums even more personal. Gabby Graves (12) hopes to honor her mom this year.
“I want the colors on my mum this year to represent my mom because she survived breast cancer,” Graves (12) said. “This mum will be for her.”
Graves even hopes to win the annual “mum contest” that National English Honor Society puts on at the Homecoming carnival.
“This year, I want my mum to be bigger. I plan on doing the mum contest during homecoming week,” Graves (12) said. “I hope I win. Fingers crossed.”
Some people are just excited to start the tradition.
“I plan on making mums all four years because I want to see my mum get bigger each year,” Benning said.
The carnival will certainly be a spectacle.