Freshmen Endure Late Arrival

Mackenzie Gross, Staff Reporter

Late Arrivals are a great day for any student in high school. It is a day dedicated to sleep, not having to come in until 9:40 in the morning. But the most exciting one is the first one that happens in September. It seems like freshmen are divided on their opinion of Late Arrival days, though. 

“Late Arrival was fine; it was really like any other day,”  Emma Markiewicz (9) said.

While upperclassmen tend to sleep in, freshmen used the new arrival time differently.

“I actually look like a decent human being because I had extra time to get ready” Markiewicz (9) said .

Some even took the time to go out for breakfast.

“My first Late Arrival was fun. I went to Red Oak for breakfast with the girl’s swim team” Annabelle Fontanilla (9) said .

Late Arrival days are different for everyone, but all high school students can agree that Late Arrival days are great for sleeping in, dressing nicer, actually eating breakfast, and whatever else people do before school. Late Arrivals happen every month, so get excited for the next one happening on October 24th, 2018.