Seniors Give Freshmen Advice

Sydney Rose, Staff Reporter

High school can be a complicated place, one that brings up a lot of questions. For incoming freshmen who want to know how to get through the next four years, they have an excellent group of mentors. The class of 2019.

“How do you find the time to stay motivated and do school work?” Keara Smith (9)

“The academic culture of excellence at this school helps me strive to stay motivated and being able to study with my friends in a group setting helps me stay productive with my work.” Eithan Austria (12)

“How do you narrow down what colleges you want to go to?” Lexey Rutiaga (9)

“It depends on what you want from your college experience and that’s something that you kind of figure out over time. But, it’s something that varies from person to person.” Amr Ahmed (12)

“I looked at the best schools for my chosen major, schools with study abroad programs, and their locations because all of that is important to me.”  Eshal Ali (12)

“Just try and imagine what place you can see yourself best in, and it’s a good idea to go on campus visits.”- Sydney Shindler (12)

Q: “How do you pass Human Geography?” Heather Cuney (9)

“Human Geo was a rude awakening for me because even though I ended the year with an A, I did not have the proper studying skills I should have had. Pretty much try hard and you’ll be good.”- Tracy Hsia (12)

“The best way is to stay on top of your notes. Pay attention in class; stay engaged by listening and participating in discussions. Don’t forget to ask for help when you need it.” Eshal Ali (12)

Q: “How do you balance school work and extracurriculars?” Ena Tongol (9)

“In high school, the workload and extracurriculars take up more of your time. You really need to learn how to manage your time well, even if it means sacrificing some free time. Don’t bite off more than you can chew when it comes to extra activities. It’s better to have time to work and sleep and having too many can make for a miserable four years. Just don’t spread yourself too thin.” Maddie French (12)

“I don’t take many extracurriculars. I know for a fact that I could not handle that time commitment and get my work done on time like some of my friends do, and that’s okay. Don’t be afraid to take it a little easy on yourself because if you take on too much, you can end up stressing yourself out way too much.”  Amr Ahmed (12)