Gulf Coast Band Competition


Jade Salinas

Alexander Falks (12), drum major, leading the band at the Klein Collins varsity football game.

Mackenzie Gross, Staff Reporter

The Gulf Coast marching contest was held on October 13, 2018 at Challenger Columbia Stadium.

The contest was like any other marching contest and was prelim and final setup, which means all the bands perform and then a certain amount goes and perform again at finals. This setup is important because it is just like the UIL Area contest and the UIL State Contest. It was the first time the Clear Springs Band has participated in this contest.

All the other Clear Creek high school bands also participated in the contest as well.

“We learned a lot at this contest and got really focused and went for it, and ended up coming out with a pretty good placement” Miguel Faucette (10)  said.

This contest was a great practice run for the very important contest coming up and for the years that come and bring different and more challenging contest.

“This was a really good practice for UIL Region contest on October 20th, and for the UIL Area contest on October 27th” Marina Fick (11) said.

In prelims, Clear Springs band got 9th place, and in finals the band got 8th place.

The other bands got the following placements in finals:

1st Place: Clear Brook

2nd place: Clear Falls

7th Place: Clear Lake

9th Place: Clear Creek