Latest Charger Reads

Sydney Rose, Staff Reporter

With a library full of books organized and stacked on shelves, there are plenty of reading options out there. Some students at Clear Springs, when not working on homework or hanging with friends, like to spend their time engaged in a novel.

Jessica Song (11) is reading “Born to Kill” by T. J. English right now.

“The book is about a Vietnamese gang in New York, and it focuses on this one guy, Tim, that came from Vietnam and had to deal with pirates and starvation before being shipped to America,” Song said. “I think it’s really interesting when they talk about specific events. They are some good parts about the gang and their characters, but at the same time they are violent and murderous. It talks in great description about robberies and Tim liking being the one in power in the gang.”

Then there are students who are reading books right off the top of the bestseller list.

Candace Smith (12) just finished reading “The Hate U Give” by Audrey Wells in preparation to see the new movie.

“I like reading the books first before I see the movie. I loved how the book was about current events and I could relate to it,” Smith said. “But, I didn’t like the ending.”

Some books don’t even have to have a character or progressing plot to be good. Like “On Writing” by Stephen King, which is Kristin Foy’s current read.

“It’s about how King’s writing started and how different his style of writing is from how he writes now,” Foy (11) said. “I like writing, so I figured reading a book about how someone became a writer would help with that.”

This can also be said about the book, “Thank You For Arguing,” which Emilio Cabral (11) is reading right now.

“It’s really good so far. It tells [the reader] why today’s world is filled with screaming matches instead of actual persuasive arguments. I wanted to read it as a member of debate, because anything that has to do with effective arguments and discussion catches my eye,” Cabral said. “Unlike other non-fiction, it isn’t just specific to the author, it’s something everyone can learn from.”

Of course, it is not just the Charger students reading these books, but also the staff.

English teacher, Mr. Flisowski, just started reading Rainbow Rowell’s “Carry On”.

“I haven’t read much of it, but what I’ve read so far, the setting really grabbed me with the idea of a more modern, more adult version of Harry Potter,” Flisowski said. “I love showing my kids in class the connection between different pieces of literature, and that’s one of the things I like about the book, how much it reminds me of the magical setting of the Wizarding World.”

There are so many more books out there to read.