Theatre Debuts Spring Musical
José Graterol portrays King Arthur in the theatre and choir’s production of Spamalot.
January 24, 2020
Theatre and choir premiere their spring musical, Spamalot, on Friday, January 24 at 7 pm in the PAC. Tickets for Spamalot, being performed until February 1, can be found at for $10 a ticket.
In the theater program, the life of a student who is also participating in the school musical can be stressful.
Junior Graceanne Becker, says despite her extra-long school days and added anxiety revolving around the show, she decides to be a part of the musical every year because “it is just so exciting.”
This week January 21st through 24th is known as “tech week.” During this time, the cast and crew are hustling to make their final touches on the show to make sure the performance is the best it can be for opening night.
“We prepare with lots of coffee,” Junior Chloe Ferrer said. “Especially during tech week.”
This year Clear Springs’ theater will be performing the play Spamalot, written by Eric Idle. This play consists of the tale of King Arthur and his journey to find the Holy Grail with those he invites along with him.
Students that are not a part of theater may not know about what goes on behind the scenes. How does the theater program at springs prepare for the yearly musical? Auditions begin about three and a half months before opening night. The rehearsals go based upon what the cast is covering that week whether it be dancing, songs, or lines.
Junior Chloe Ferrer said they rely on “support from each other because as the show gets closer [and] rehearsals get longer.”