Creativity in Chalk
April 21, 2020
With so much gloom surrounding us at such an uncertain time, you can find color as close as your neighborhood sidewalks.
Chalk art has covered League City, as students and families are confined to their homes during this historic quarantine. Murals, hopscotch, and positive phrases have been drawn up almost anywhere you look.
The welcome change in an otherwise dull scenery has been a positive outcome of a terrible situation. Many are stuck at home right now looking for any outlet of creativity, which has led to students and adults tracing back to their childhood activities with marking up the outside world.
“I wanted to be able to do something fun that involved getting outside,” said junior Gillian Benz. “I’ve been spending way too much time indoors and wanted to get out. Drawing with chalk is something I did in my childhood and it felt good to do it again,” Benz said.
The difficult quarantine experience has inspired new ways for people to get active and stay entertained while things are closed down and large gatherings are prohibited. Things as simple as sidewalk chalk art can brighten a jogger’s day, or make dog-walkers smile as they’re reminded of the joyful optimism in every spirit.