The Deceiver

The Deceiver

Christian Corey

I awoke cold and confused. Where was I? Why is it dark? What happened last night? As these questions ran through my head at a mile per minute, they were suddenly silenced when I heard a distant laugh. All that was in my mind now was Run. However, I Couldn’t, I was strapped to a steel table. I struggled to break the chains that held me down, but to no avail. My heart sank as I heard footsteps going down stairs towards me. The footsteps sounded like thunder as they drew closer. A bulky figure suddenly stepped into my vision. The figure wore a mask forged from porcelain. I wanted to scream but no sound could come out, I was petrified. The Masked figure began to take its mask off revealing a dark void, there was no features, no outline, nothing, just a black mist. It spread its chilling hand across my face, the hand being nothing but black mist. I felt a sharp pain run through my whole body as I felt myself tense up, then suddenly, all my muscles relaxed, and the hand was no longer cold. The last thing I saw was myself standing where the creature was as my vision faded to black.