Test Season Prep


Bella Aguilar, Staff Writer

The best way to prepare for STAAR tests are by going over notes and quizzing yourself on the units from each class. Going over notes helps to relearn material that may need more practice and helps refresh your memory on old material. If you forget to go over notes before class tests and quizzes, you could find yourself having a harder time remembering the material that you need to know. Therefore, when prepping for STAAR, re-reading and going over notes, is something you should always make sure to do.

When you think you know most of the material, the next step is to take some practice quizzes just to see how you would do. This not only makes sure you know all of the material, but it also helps with logical thinking and smart decision making, which are helpful skills to have while taking the STAAR test. It usually helps to quiz by unit, so you are not missing anything that may be on the test. When you are ready, you can group together units that are smaller, or that you have more trouble with so that you can get extra practice with the things you struggle with the most.

After going over all your notes and acing the quizzes, you will feel beyond ready to go into STAAR and confidently take the test.