Tips to Build Your First Mum


Sophia Jones, Staff Writer

Learning how to make a homecoming mum can be very difficult without any help, but luckily we have you covered! Homecoming is right around the corner, and it is time for mum making to begin!

A wonderful way to start making your mum is to go to the store and plan out all the things you need to make the best mum you can. A fantastic store to go to is Craft Tex, located at 7215 Ashcroft Dr, Houston, TX 77081. This place has all the finest ribbons and materials you need to make the best mum for homecoming this year.

To get started, you will at least need to have one flower, and a card stock base to hot glue the flower in place. This will be the top of your mum. You can get little flowers to decorate around the big one or add your own touch of flair with whatever jewels and gems you find and love. Once you finish the top of the mum, it is time to move on to the gathering of the ribbons! Pick out and layer your ribbons to add extra pizazz and uniqueness to your mum. You will need a lot of hot glue, but once you finish the main part of the mum all you need to do is measure around your neck how far down you want it to hand. You can pick your most favorite ribbon, and then you are done!

A goal to have is for your mum to be finished by October 7th, so that way your beautiful piece of work can sit and dry, and be ready for homecoming on October 8th!