Preparing for Finals

December 10, 2021
Next week is finals week, one of the most stressful times of the year. The grades you make on your finals can have a huge impact on your semester average, so it is important to be prepared and confident when walking into your classroom on test day.
In order to be prepared and confident for your final, you should create an agenda for yourself. Each day you should spend a certain amount of time studying for your test. Check with your teachers to see if they offer a semester review, or other study materials. If study materials are not offered, spend your time going over each unit’s notes and assignments.
Taking breaks while studying is very important. According to The Learning Center, “Effective breaks can help reduce your stress levels so that you’re ready to refocus when you return to work”. Breaks such as calling a friend, going on a walk, or taking a power nap can help you retain information better. Don’t wait until the night before your final to start studying! Clear Springs students offered their tips on studying for finals on the CSHS Instagram story. Responses include arranging study groups with friends, rewarding yourself as you study, and using flashcards.
Finals at Clear Springs start on Tuesday, December 14th. Tuesday is 1st period, Wednesday is 2nd and 4th period, Thursday is 5th and 6th period, and Friday is 3rd and 7th period. Each day students will attend their 3rd period for attendance after the first exam. All students can leave at 11:30 Tuesday through Friday, but tutorials are offered until 2:30. If you need extra help before the end of the semester, talk to your teachers and make arrangements for tutorial sessions.