It’s Black History Month!

Hope Reiman, Staff Writer

Black people are diverse

The concept of intersectionality can be hard to grasp sometimes, but to give a simple explanation, intersectionality is how aspects of a person can combine and create different experiences of discrimination and privilege. In other words: just because someone is black or a person of color, does not define them or make their identity. There’s black woman who experience racism and sexism, and black people apart of the LGBTQ community that experience hate for being both black and gay. A great example I have seen in our community of recognizing intersectionality with black people is the Black Deaf history board in our 2300-2400 pod.  

Be aware of black history

It’s imperative that we teach and learn about black history, and what better time than black history month! It’s as easy as teaching kids about discrimination or how inequality is still something we need to fix. It’s a great time to educate people on how we can cut down on racism and micro-aggressions. A lot of times micro aggressions go unnoticed, but they can grow and become worse over time.  

Watch/read black media 

This is an especially good time to explore and discover different black media, such as books, podcasts, and movies. These forms of entertainment can not only be educational, but a great way to celebrate the black history month: 

  • Podcasts 

Code switch  

Seizing freedom 

Historically black 

  • Movies 

The 1619 Project 

Freedom Riders 

Is That Black Enough For You 

  • Books 

Black futures by Kimberly Drew and Jenna Wortham 

Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay 

Call Us What We Carry: Poems by Amanda Gorman 


Learn about black figures 

One interesting way to learn and think about different black historical figures is to go through your day and learn about all the things you use that was invited by an African American. We are all aware and taught about the well-known black figures like Rosa Parks and MLK, but there’s several more that don’t get the spotlight. A good place to learn about some of these lesser known activists is 

 Donate to charities 

It’s important this month especially to give back to the black community, and donating to charities is a great way to do that. 

Black Youth Project 

Loveland Therapy Fund 

Amistad Law Project 

Grassroots Organizations 

Attend black history month events 

We fortunately live in a pretty diverse area, so finding different events is pretty easy with a simple google search.  

Black History Month celebration at Lone Star Flight Museum: On select Saturdays learn about the legacies of African American aviators and their contributions. 

Helen Hall Library interactive Black History Month display: During library hours, learn about black historical figures. 

Black History Month conversation: A meeting centered around the unnoticed black heroes of the past and what greatness lies ahead in the future.