Did you know that your iPhone 12 is banned in certain countries. The iPhone 12 has been banned in France due to its radiation causing headaches and other problems for its users. Apple has given a statement to the people in France saying “We will issue a software update for users in France to accommodate the protocol used by French regulators. We look forward to iPhone 12 continuing to be available in France”. Since then, France has issued an immediate with draw of the iPhone 12 off the market.
France digital affairs minister issued a statement saying the iPhone 12 radiation levels are still much lower than scientific studies considered, and that the radiation agency acknowledged that its test don’t reflect typical phone use. Due to these allegations that apple has received they have informed its employes to not discuss anything related to the concerns about the radiation with the iPhone 12. If any customers bring up these concerns apple employees inform the customers how Apple products undergo extensive safety testing. Due to everything that has been going on with the iPhone 12 and France this has resulted in other countries such as Belgium and Germany to look further into the radiation concerns with the iPhone 12.