People all over social media are shedding tears at the famous video of the anglerfish coming to the surface just moments before dying, which is an extremely rare sight considering their regular depth of 6,500 feet underwater.
On February 5, the anglerfish quickly became a cultural phenomenon with people making AI videos and stories about it. One even said, “She finally saw light that she didn’t have to make herself.”
Scientists are unsure as to why the anglerfish was found swimming at the surface. One scientist at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute named Bruce Robinson even said, “I really scratched my head wondering how the heck this could have occurred,” and “This is pretty remarkable, and it’s not like anything I’ve heard of before,”.
It was also a shock for people to find out that the creature “Finding Nemo” made us terrified about as kids is really the size of our palm. The female black seadevil anglerfish is typically barely 6 inches while the male remains under 1 inch.
Another incredibly rare act of nature was another deep-sea fish called the oarfish surfacing, already dead. Oarfish have only been seen 20 times in the San Diego area since 1901, truly showing how rare these creatures are. However, they are typically seen as an omen of impending disaster, specifically earthquakes.