Homecoming Queen Continues Family Legacy
Homecoming King Kyle Benacquisto, and Queen Madison Guillory take their ride around the track at Challenger Columbia Stadium after being crowned Saturday.
October 16, 2017
Senior Madison Guillory is a third-generation Homecoming Queen.
“You’re going to remember the song they play,” her mom, Michelle Shankle, told her. She is carrying a great legacy; Shankle was the 1995 and 1996 Homecoming Princess and Prom Queen at LaMarque High School, and her great-grandma was the 1949 Homecoming Queen at Dunbar High School in Dickinson.
Madison is Shankle’s oldest child, which can be tough on some students. However, Madison has more than risen to the occasion, according to her mom. Crowned the 2017 Homecoming Queen before the Chargers played Dickinson Saturday, her mother teared up describing her daughter’s achievements through the years.
“She already has about two years of her college out of the way,” she said. “She’s planning on spending two years at C.T. Bauer’s College of Business at University of Houston for her bachelor’s degree, then the next two years at SMU to get her masters.”
Madison, like many students, will go to college for about four years, but unlike many students, Madison will walk away with a master’s degree, not a bachelors. Through her dedication to academics and involvement in the Dual-Credit classes offered in the district, “she’s made college easy on her family,” her mom said laughingly.
Even with academics aside, Madison excels. She is Vice President of the Fashion Club, and is even considering going into the financial and business side of the fashion industry. If she isn’t at Fashion Club meetings or participating in honor societies, she can be found singing with Varsity Choir or even playing Varsity Golf. Madison is successful in many extracurricular activities and in academic classes.
Madison was ecstatic after being crowned Homecoming Queen. “I think everyone on the court is a queen and princess,” she said. “I’m honored.”
Her mom described the whole experience as “bittersweet,” knowing that this is Madison’s final year of high school and that soon her oldest daughter will be heading off to pursue further education and a career. The crown and the sash will additionally be a great reminder for Madison for years to come on how much she accomplished at Clear Springs High School, and Madison believes her success does not end here.
“I would like Madison to maintain who she is, to stay focused on what is in front of her and make some great memories. I want her to continue to be the great role model she is for her siblings. She has set the bar high,” Shankle said.